Friday, April 23, 2010

Today I learned that at work, if nothing else, you can always accomplish attendence...

I was in the office from 9a.m. to 4p.m. today, and at the end I couldn't really put my finger on what I'd actually accomplished. Then I realized... I attended work! If Woody Allen was right and 80% of success is showing up, then I've at least earned a grade of "B" today. Woo hoo! I'll take that!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today I learned you should never guess how far along a pregnant lady is...

It results in much embarrassment for all involved, or even just those in witness. In a meeting today with a pregnant gal and some other folks, one of the people says, "So how far along are you? Five or six months?" The answer: 13 weeks. OUCH! I had to leave before someone cried.